Wednesday, 18 February 2009

UNESCO Awards Recognize Young Scientists’ Contributions To Biodiversity

Nukunonu Atoll seaside,
one of the regions
of the world vulnerable
to climate change.

18 February 2009 – Young scientists from around the world working on projects ranging from working to conserve mangrove forests in Iran to conserving orchids in Cuba have been recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for their work on biodiversity.
Eleven people have been selected as winners of UNESCO’s 2009 Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Young Scientist Awards, and they will each receive a cash price of up to $5,000 for their research on ecosystems and biodiversity focusing on sustainable interaction between people and their environment.
One of this year’s award recipients, Khalid Osman Hiwytala of Sudan, was recognized for his work on the impact of the Umbararow tribe’s border migration on Dinder Biosphere Reserve, a biosphere reserve situated along the border to Ethiopia.
Two other winners, Paula Irrazabal and Soledad Contreras of Chile, are being honoured for their research on the effect of habitat disturbances on mammal species in Torres del Paine National Park and Biosphere Reserve.
Two scientists – Boshra Salem of Egypt and Gorshkov Yu of Russia – will also share the Michel Batisse grant, awarded every two years for biosphere reserve management case studies.
Biosphere reserves are sites taking innovative approaches to conservation, ecological sciences and sustainable development which are recognized under UNESCO’s MAB Programme. Currently, there are 531 such sites in over 100 countries.

Life After Death From Fallen Trees And Branches

Here is a nice article from James Reynolds, head of media for the RSPB.

A major snowfall of almost three quarters of a metre in the Cairngorms has created more dead wood than during any other single natural event in the past two decades on RSPB's Abernethy forest reserve.
But rather than be worried about the apparent damage done to many of the mature forest trees on what is the largest remaining expanse of the ancient Caledonian pine forest, reserve staff and scientists at the conservation charity are unconcerned with drastic change that the extreme weather has brought about to the forest.
Large numbers Scots pine trees have lost limbs, and some have even keeled over completely or have been split asunder by the sheer weight of snow that has fallen over the past week.
When trees die, their biological function within the forest ecosystem is far from over, and they continue to play a critically important role in maintaining the health and biodiversity of the woodland ecosystem.
As they gradually decay they become mini nature reserves in themselves - with the rotting process taking anything up to a century whilst they are gradually recycled back into the woodland ecosystem and at the same time providing niches for countless numbers of invertebrates, fungi, lichens, birds and even small mammals.
In fact, in a natural forest ecosystem free from human interference, between 20-30% of the existing trees will be either dead or dying. However, most of the remaining ancient or semi natural woodland in Scotland have been highly modified over several millennia, and this natural process is either absent or much reduced.
Desmond Dugan, one of the site managers at Abernethy, said: "We have had thousands of branches and limbs – some of them heavy muckle branches – ripped off by the weight of snow.
"When heavy snowfall is coupled with the extreme frost – and the temperature dropped to minus 19 over a couple of days – all the resin and sap in the pines gets frozen up, they become very brittle, lose their elasticity and the branches snap with extreme force. You hear a muffled crack due to the snow quietening everything. Last week it was like gunfire in the forest as limbs and branches snapped suddenly, and then a thud as it hits the soft snow beneath. The forest is just incredibly atmospheric now.
He added: "But rather than view this as damage, it is actually quite beneficial and actually creates opportunities for more life to flourish. All the dead wood serves as the building blocks of the higher ecosystem, because the birds feed on the invertebrates that live in the decaying wood, and then mammals feed on the birds and so on. When these trees are torn apart like this, it creates a ragged tear in the wood. This allows pathogens and bacteria to colonise and promotes decay of the fallen wood."
Some sixteen species of birds use dead trees at Abernethy. Woodpeckers drill nesting holes that are colonised by tree-nesting swifts , crested tits or by redstarts and flycatchers. Often there is great competition to secure these scarce cosy houses, and such is the demand for this valuable real estate that nesting birds and often evicted by pine martens or by larger or more dominant birds including goosanders, goldeneye, ducks or tawny owls.
The fallen branches and limbs has also had another beneficial effect. RSPB's Abernethy Forest is one of the largest registered seed stands in the UK for native species including Scots pine, holly, juniper, rowan and birch. Many of the fallen limbs are laden with this years cone crop, making it easier for staff to collect the cones which are sent to the Forestry Commission's research station and seed bank at Alice Holt Lodge in Farnham, Surrey. Here the seed is extracted from the cones and dried before being stored at regular temperatures in their seed bank. It is then sent out to order to nurseries, where it is germinated and grown into saplings to replenish native woodland in the north east of Scotland.
1.RSPB’s Abernethy reserve is the largest remaining expanse of the once sprawling ancient Caledonian pine forest, containing roughly 3.5million Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees.
2.Dead wood also provides nursery sites for the germination of plants, protection from grazing damage, shelter and mobility for birds and mammals, a store of nutrients that can be cycled through the ecosystem, and a store of carbon.
3.In a review of nationally rare and scarce non-avian species at Abernethy (Amphlett 2000), of 795 species occurring within the whole reserve, 601 were recorded from the existing forest zone, and 379 from woodland. From the available information it is not possible to say what proportion are reliant on deadwood, but in some taxonomic groups it is very high. For example, of 69 nationally rare and scarce lichens in woodland, >90% are restricted to dead wood (exposed lignum).
4.Beetles have been used as an indicator group for saproxylic invertebrates as a whole, and a Saproxylic Quality Index devised (Fowles et al 1999, Fowles 2004). Abernethy Forest is the 8th best site in Britain, and the only site in the top 100 in Scotland.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

A Cure for Man Flu Might Not Be Far Away

Steve Liggett, a genetic scientist at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Institute for Genome Sciences, Baltimore, led a study team that identified the DNA sequences of all the known strains of the rhinovirus that causes the common cold.
It is hoped that other scientists that are working towards a cure for the common cold will be able to make use of there findings by targeting drugs at area's they all have in common.
A cure or even effective treatment for the virus has so far eluded scientists as it constantly changes its genetic make up, but after studying the virus's genes they found that there was a few area's that remained the same.
The rhinovirus is also responsible for half of all asthma attacks, so any any advances that would help protect people from them would alleviate suffering for millions of people the world over and save billions of pounds in medical costs and lost work production.
Lets hope it wont be long before a cure can be found, I for one will not miss the yearly round of colds that seem to drag on forever.
Curing the common cold will undoubtedly raise other serious issues.
What would people use as an excuse to miss a few days at work if the cold is finally cured?
Would it also cure man flu? You can check for this at

Thursday, 12 February 2009

UN-backed ‘Peace Club’ launched in Darfur secondary schools

A club for youth to exchange ideas on peace, to be established in all schools of secondary and above levels in Sudan’s strife-torn Darfur region, was launched this weekend, the African Union-United Nations joint peacekeeping operation there (UNAMID) said today.
Over 100 new members attended the opening of the first UNAMID Peace Club, sponsored by UNAMID’s Community Outreach Unit, at the Model Secondary School for Girls in El Fasher – the headquarters city for the mission.
“As leaders of tomorrow, your views and contributions towards sustainable peace and security in Darfur is imperative and UNAMID will provide you the forum through the club’s numerous programmes and activities to express them,” Daniel Adekera, the head of the Unit, said, adding that the mission was doing everything possible to ensure negotiated peace for Darfur.
The Peace Club will bring youth together through activities like debates and poetry competitions, which will focus on an end to war, as well as sporting and cultural activities, Mr. Adekera said.
The establishment of a Peace Library is also planned for the club, which will make it a resource centre for information related to UNAMID, the UN and peacemaking efforts.
The opening celebration included a quiz game in which the students showed off their knowledge of UNAMID and its activities in Darfur, where fighting erupted in 2003, pitting rebels against Government forces and allied Janjaweed militiamen and causing an estimated 300,000 deaths, while forcing some 2.7 million people to flee their homes.
The Peace Club will be launched in three more secondary schools within the week, UNAMID said.
If you want to see what good things UNAMID peacekeepers are achieving in Darfur visit their web site at

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Dogs step in to help protect villagers from ‘Man-eating’ tigers

Following the breaking news that three people were killed by Bengal tigers last week in the Sundarbans, conservationists from ZSL are hoping that dogs are not just man’s best friend - they may also prove to be the tiger’s best friend. For the first time, humans’ canine companions are being used to help protect man from tigers, and therefore, tigers from man.
Field staff from ZSL working on tiger conservation and research in the Bangladesh Sundarbans have a tough job persuading the locals to protect the endangered Bengal tiger from extinction, because it has gained a formidable reputation as a man-eater.
The Sundarbans in Bangladesh form the world’s largest mangrove forest and are a UNESCO World Heritage site. The forests are dense and rich with wildlife, providing many resources for local communities – and they are also home to one of the largest surviving populations of wild tigers in the world. The tigers are the top predators of the forests, and ensuring their survival helps keep the wildlife of the forest in balance.
Around 50 people are killed each year by the tigers of the forest, and most at risk are those who have to work in or close to the forests’ borders. It is not completely understood why tigers become man-eaters but it is thought that some older, sick or injured tigers may find hunting humans easier than animal prey.
The human-tiger conflict in the Sundarbans is escalating and despite tigers being legally protected since 1974, many are still being killed in response or anticipation of attacks. It is estimated that there are only 300-500 tigers left in the area.
Conservationists Monirul Khan and Adam Barlow from ZSL are working on various projects to conserve tigers. One of which is training the local stray street dogs to act as a deterrent for any prowling tigers that come too close to the village borders. By alerting the villagers to a tiger’s presence, the animal can be frightened away instead of being hunted and killed.
Monirul Khan, a tiger biologist, has set up a trial study putting the local stray dogs to use. By training the street dogs to act as an alarm for the villagers when a tiger is approaching, the work will begin to ease the human-tiger conflict in the area. Although using dogs to protect humans from animal predators isn’t a new idea, it is the first time they have been used in the battle to save tigers from extinction.
The Zoological Society of London ( ZSL) runs conservation programmes in Britain and over 80 countries worldwide, they state.“The conservation of wild animals and their natural habitats is fundamental to our mission. We work with local communities to conserve their environment and promote sustainability.”
You can find more good stories about ZSL animal conservation work at

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo’s feathered friends show love is in the air for Valentine’s Day

Hearts are a-flutter at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo this week as the famous scarlet macaws, Inca and George give each other a “peck” on the beak for St Valentine’s Day.
Eighteen-year-old George and 17-year-old Inca have been “love-birds” ever since they met at the zoo many years ago. They are among many macaws who mate for life, says senior bird keeper Rebecca Feenan.
“The majority of parrots do pair up for life,” she said, “it is part of their psychological nature, they make a bond which they never break, they are very intelligent .”
Inca and George share an aviary at the zoo and spend all their time together, including their memorable flying episodes in the Birds of the World Shows.
It is easy to see what’s attractive about this pair, with their trademark bright red heads, yellow crest and bright turquoise plumage over the rest of their body. They make a fantastic and colourful display when they swoop overhead.
For Valentine’s Day, George presented Inca with hearts and a rose, demonstrating that love can be everlasting, whatever your breed.
What a nice news article from “The Zoological Society of London” website at

Sunday, 8 February 2009

UNICEF Gets Aid From Japan To Rebuild Earthquake Damaged Schools In Rwanda

UNICEF have ratified an agreement with Japan for US$7.500,000 to repair and rebuild fifteen of the most heavily earthquake damaged schools and several health centres in the Nyamasheke and Rusizi area's of Rwanda.
Over twenty seven thousand students have had their education brought to a standstill for nearly a year because of the earthquake damage caused to forty five schools in these districts.
The money is also going to local people to allow them to develop and manage their own projects addressing the needs of the young people, women and children in the area and allowing them to maintain the new facilities, toilets and fresh water resources.

UNICEF stands for,The United Nations Children's Fund, it was created by the United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1946, to provide emergency food and health care to children in countries that had been devastated by World War11.
In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym UNICEF based on this old name.
With headquarters in New York, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in developing countries
UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors.
Governments contribute two thirds of the organization's resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees.
UNICEF's programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children.
In 1965 UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Award.
To see the many nice and worthy projects that this organisation for good contributes too, visit their website at

Friday, 6 February 2009

Uk People Help Birds Get through Worst Winter For Decades

The UK is not only in the grip of a reccession it is suffering it's worst winter for decades.
While some might only think and worry about their own problems, there are many kind hearted people buying food and distributing it around their gardens to keep the bird population fed.
Richard James, RSPB wildlife advisor, says: 'Lots of us can’t get to work today, so if you are at home, spending a few minutes clearing up bird tables or putting out food could mean the difference between life and death for some of our garden birds.'
Birds are unable to penetrate the ground to find worms and insects with thick snow cover, and berry-bearing shrubs and other natural food sources are practically invisible.
Food on bird tables and in feeders is a real lifeline in these kind of conditions and can literally keep them alive.
The RSPB speaks out for birds and wildlife, tackling the problems that threaten our environment. They rely upon memberships and donations to fund their work. you can find more about them at
I can not imagine walking into my garden without hearing or seeing the different varieties of birds all around, so it is nice to see that so many people take the trouble and expense to look after the birds, helping them survive the winter.
For these caring people just seeing the birds and hearing their songs repays them with interest for their efforts.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Desperate Parents Get Help For Children's Medical Costs From Ebay Angels

A desperate couple from Georgia, USA, put all their belongings for sale on the popular auction site Ebay at in a last ditch attempt to pay for their sick children's medical bills.
Brittiny and Greg Peters have three children, two year old Noah who has autism and sensory and gastrointestinal disorders, one year old Eli and seven year old Ayla who suffers from juvenile arthritis.
Their belongings did not attract a single bidder until Keith and Donnia Blair from Fort Worth, USA, bid $20,000.
The Peters began to pack their stuff up to send it to the Blair's, but the next morning Donnia Blair called them and told them they did not want their possessions, they just wanted to help out financially.
Since then Donnia Blair and Brittiny Peters have spoken by phone many times and have become firm friends.
The Peters summed up their feelings by saying.
"We really feel like its our obligation now to take the blessings the Blair's have given us, pass them on and bless some other people like they’ve blessed us."
What a wonderful message these ebay angels have given to us.
When you see someone in great need, if you can, reach out and do something about it.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Google Earth Expands Maps To Include Under Oceans

Google's marvellous tool, “Google Earth” is well known for allowing you to download software that will let you explore, search and discover all the ground covered area's of the world.
Their home web page is at
Google's previous version that only allowed you to look at the surfaces of the sea's and oceans have now added a new dimension, the ability to dive under the waves and see 3D computer generated images of what lies beneath.
To achieve this Google have used information from various organizations, among them.
“The National Geographical Society” at
The NOAA “The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration” at
“The Scripps Institution of Oceanography” at
So this amazing educational tool has got even better.
Who could of imagined a century ago that one day ordinary people could sit at home, press a few buttons, and see the marvels of our world no matter were they are.
It fills me with happy anticipation of what other good things will be achieved in the years to come.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Single Mum Defies Poor Childhood To Achieve Her Goal

Here is a nice news story about single mum Victoria Titchener from Derbyshire, England and her determination to improve her life through education.
Victoria who is now 27 spent most of her childhood in the care system, she describes her childhood as “tough” after being taken into care aged seven.
She spent the next six years in and out of foster homes and at 12 she recalled not being able to stand up in class and read properly.
At 15 Victoria was working in a pub kitchen part time and at 17 she became pregnant with son Jay who is now ten followed a year later with daughter Teri-Jade.
Five years ago Victoria decided to get back into education to get some qualifications so she could get a job she really wanted to do and to prove to herself that she could do it.
She took and succeeded in business and computing courses at college, then enrolled at Derby University on a two year HND business management course which she completed in 2007.
Victoria then completed another year to bring her education up to Honours Degree standard.
After receiving her Degree in a ceremony at Derby University in January 2009, Victoria spoke about her achievement.
“I can't believe that I am standing here clutching my degree. My family were here to see me and I feel so proud of what I have done.
My degree isn't just a piece of paper to me, it's an achievement that I will hold forever.
It's given me a path to where I'm going, the strength to achieve future goals and the feeling that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.”
What a nice inspiring story for anyone who has had a challenging background, you don't have to accept your lot in life, just get out there and make yourself a good future.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

The Good News Network

“Hi there! I'm Geri, the founder and editor/publisher of the Good News Network. I began this effort in 1997 as a passion to serve humanity with doses of positive news. Now my goal is to make this a business. I want to be the first person to really prove that good news sells.”
One of my objectives in setting up this “Nice World News” Blog was to promote the good and nice things that are happening around the world and to try and balance out the seemingly endless bad news that mainstream news organisations continually throw at us.
One way I can do that is to inform you about other great good news resources that are out there to find.
One site that stands out is “The Good News Network” and can be found at
It is owned and edited by Geri Weis-Corbley
Founder and Managing Editor, Geri Weis-Corbley is the world's first positive news expert. She has been featured on Washington Post Radio, BBC World Service, dozens of radio shows, and in numerous newspapers and magazines. She worked in TV news in D.C. for 10 years before leaving to raise a family in 1990. Geri's combination of artistry, quality news, and personal service has gained her thousands of fans and rave reviews from viewers around the world.
Well done Geri, you are providing a badly needed service that is lifting people beyond the negative news in the world, balancing it with the good.

Friday, 30 January 2009

Mother has 8 healthy babies in 5 minutes

This is a happy news story about a woman who had eight babies by caesarean section in the Bellflower medical centre, near Los Angeles, California.
The babies six boys and two girls weighed in between 1lb 8ozs and 3lb 4ozs and according to doctors are all healthy and doing well.
The mother who has asked for privacy while she recovers has not been identified.
She already has six children ranging from two to seven years old at home.
She is said to be very exited about the successful birth of these latest editions to her family and is hoping to breast feed them all.
I know as a parent how much hard work goes into raising children from babyhood to adult, but I also know how much goodness you get back from your children in different ways.
I would like to congratulate the medical team that worked hard to make this a happy result and wish the parents of these little miracles all the best for the future.
No doubt we will hear more about this special family as the children grow and reach milestones in their lives and I look forward to including their progress as nice news.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

The DEC disaster appeal reaches £1,000,000 despite ban by BBC and SKY

The BBC and Sky have refused to air a television appeal for donations to help the people of Gaza because they claim this would harm their impartiality.
Despite the appeal by the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) not being broadcast by the BBC and SKY, donations to the charity have reached over £1,000,000 so far.
If you want to donate money to the charities trying to help the innocents then follow the link to and donate what you can afford.
The following information was taken from their website.
The DEC consists of: Action Aid, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Help the Aged, Islamic Relief, Merlin, Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund, World Vision.
It’s easy to donate. Please visit our website on or call the DEC on 0370 60 60 900. We know people are facing financially difficult times but even a small donation makes a difference. Even a small donation to the appeal will help get food, water, shelter, emergency and medical supplies to people who desperately need it.
The DEC criteria to launch an appeal are:
The disaster must be on such a scale and of such urgency as to call for swift International humanitarian assistance. The DEC agencies, or some of them, must be in a position to provide effective and swift humanitarian assistance at a scale to justify a national Appeal. There must be sufficient public awareness of, and sympathy for, the humanitarian situation so as to give reasonable grounds for concluding that a public Appeal would be successful.
It is good to know that despite the petty mindset of these organisations, ordinary people have responded to the suffering of these people in a caring way, regardless off any politics.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Nice to hear good news from Afghanistan

We are constantly being told of the death and destruction in the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan, so it is nice to hear a story of something positive and good coming from there.
An agreement has been signed between UNICEF and the Japanese that will see them give a £12,000,000 donation to build secure classrooms that will be used to educate up to 80,000 Afghan schoolchildren.
Both boys and girls will benefit from these classrooms which is significant as some Afghans believe it is not worthwhile educating girls.
It has taken us over 100 years to get rid of sexism, and we are still working at it.
Lets hope it does not take the Afghans that long.

The Pope takes to the tube

Pope Benedict XV1's speeches and other news from the Roman Catholic church are to be posted on Googles in an attempt to keep in touch with the churches millions of young followers around the world.
Hopefully this will also reach people of other faiths, building up better communication and understanding between all religions in the world.
Better understanding through knowledge of others religious beliefs can only be a good thing as bigotry and religious fanaticism can only be spread through ignorance.
Many of today's and past wars have been through religious intolerance.
Why can't we have a United Religions set up, similar to the United Nations, so that the heads of all religions could get together and nip in the bud differences of religious culture that are at the root of most conflicts.
That really would be something to praise God for, whatever your faith.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Official recession in the UK, is it all bad?

We now have it officially, the UK is in a recession, I am not going to go into all the facts and figures that the government has issued that indicate an official recession, if you really want them you can find them on the BBC on-line news today at
What I would really like to see discussed is the question, is a recession bad for everyone?
I am sure it is not all doom and gloom that the popular media seems to promote, they seem to think that the bad side of things is the only side we want to hear, for the majority of people life just carries on as normal.
My daughter made an interesting observation yesterday when she received the latest letter from her mortgage provider telling her that the mortgage rate had dropped again, (third time in three months) and the amount she was paying had been reduced.
She said if this is what a recession is then they should have them more often!
She has not only got reduced mortgage payments but has also got some great bargains in the sales because of retail businesses selling off stock, so for her the so called recession has had nothing but financial benefits.
I know a lot of people won't share this point of view if they have lost their jobs, or their businesses are struggling and are looking at a change in lifestyle.
I can speak from experience as I lost my job several times in the last two recessions when I worked in engineering and had a young family to support, it can be very frightening not knowing what the future holds, and a normal human reaction is to fear change.
But anyone who finds themselves in this position has a choice, the same choice I had to make, you can feel angry, blame the employer, blame the government, blame yourself, but in the end some things you can not change, so you just have to accept it, stop looking to lay blame and look for solutions.
When I look back at the UK recession in the 1980's, I remember being made redundant just after my daughter was born, although we had to change our lifestyle to live more frugally, I really enjoyed the time at home.
I enjoyed quality time with my children, did lots of voluntary work in youth clubs, grew my own vegetables, and foraged for food from countryside to keep us going.
I enjoyed it to much and I had to really kick myself into gear to get back to work when engineering jobs came available again about eighteen months later.
So don't look at the recession as bad, even if bad things happen, use them as opportunities to do something better with your life.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Inauguration Day For President Barack Obama

The world news today is dominated by one story, the inauguration of the new American president, Barack Obama.
The achievement of this man in becoming president of the USA, with the support of his nice family, gives hope of better things to come, not just for the USA but for people everywere.
The fact that he is the first president of African decent has been a major boost to the moral and esteem of people of African decent in all countries throughout the world.
So before he has lifted a finger in his new job, he has already achieved more to make people happy than most politicians achieve in a lifetime.
Whatever else he does in the future, the pride he has given to many Americans today will live within them forever.
He now has the power to make good and great things happen, to right wrongs and build bridges that can lead us to a better world.
So I would sincerely like to wish him my best wishes.
Good luck Mr President

Monday, 19 January 2009

Most depressing day of the year today?

I have seen news reports that psychologists have dubbed today the most depressing day of the year, apparently they have come up with six reasons why they feel people should be at their most depressed today.
The bad weather:
The fact that people now realize the debts they have run up over Christmas:
The fact that Christmas has been over for a couple of weeks.
The assumption that most people will have failed in their new year resolutions:
The assumption that most people have low motivational levels today:
The assertion that people feel the need to take action:
In my opinion the psychologists that came up with this need the help of their colleagues to get over their pessimistic leanings.
The bad weather is part of the cycle of seasons and is needed to ensure nature has its rest, so that everything can bloom again in the spring and give us our summers to enjoy.
The fact that Christmas has been over for a couple of weeks means our next holiday is that much closer.
The assumption that most people have failed to keep their new year resolutions is just that an assumption, there will be many people who are succeeding in the plans and goals they have set.
The assumption that most people will have low motivational levels today is based on the the belief that most people have a pessimistic outlook, I believe there are many more people with a positive outlook who are well motivated.
The assertion that people feel the need to take action is only valid if you accept that all the other reasons to feel depressed are themselves correct which I hope this article will challenge.
We have the whole year ahead of us, it is up to us to make it good.

Heroes in Gaza

The other major story over the last couple of weeks has been the Israeli incursion into the Gaza strip.
But looking beyond the death, destruction and the blame game, there are some unsung heroes whose only aims and objectives was to preserve human life and ease suffering in the best way they could.
I am talking about the nurses and doctors treating the injured in unbelievable conditions, under fire,
understaffed and with few resources.
The ambulance drivers who made trip after trip to bring in the injured men women and children whilst under constant attack.
The aid workers who stayed at their posts and continued to move and issue essential supplies of water and food to the millions who needed them, despite the attacks on their trucks and compounds.
The ordinary families that have taken in, not just their extended families who have needed shelter and assistance, but other widows and orphaned children caught up in the conflict.
It is good that both sides have now declared a ceasefire in this conflict and I have no wish to judge either sides actions, only to highlight the committed work many are doing to alleviate the suffering.
Those are the heroes in Gaza.
Despite all the bad, they brought good.

A Pilots skill saves 155 lives

Flight 1549 a US Airways Airbus A320 was landed safely in New York's Hudson river after both of its engines failed.
The pilot Captain Chesley B.”Sully” Sullenberger 111 glided the plane faultlessly into the river despite having little control of the plane, saving the life of the 155 passengers and crew.
Wow, that was a brilliant landing and my admiration goes out to him, he deserves all the good publicity he is getting. And what a fantastic name he has.

How I intend to bring Nice World News into your life

I am a big fan of the news, but I have had enough of the constant focus on the bad side of the news. Disasters, crimes, wars are all bad for the people directly involved, but it doesn't tell the whole story.

I feel it is brainwashing me into a permanent state of unhappiness and I believe many other people must feel the same way.

So I have decided through this free blog to re-write some of the top world news stories emphasising some of the nice and positive aspects that I can see in them.

Bad things will continue to happen in this world, but they should not be our only source of news, I want to give the nice and good things people are doing in difficult circumstances more prominence, hopefully balancing the bad and good in my readers minds.

So what piece of headline bad news should I write in a nice positive way to start off?

Well, looking at the major news headlines over the last few days, the main story seems to contradict me, its all good.